Compliments & Complaints Annual Report 2022 to 2023
2. Compliments
Compliments 2022-23
Directorate | Number of Compliments |
Chief Exec | 2 |
Adults & Health | 295 |
Children's Services | 165 |
Communities | 173 |
Planning, Growth & Sustainability | 100 |
Resources | 117 |
Deputy Chief Exec | 13 |
Total number of compliments = 865
The above graph shows the number of compliments received by each directorate. The overall total is less than the amount for 2021/22 which was 912.
Adults and Health have received the highest number of compliments and the majority of these are from customers who are grateful for the good service they have received from the Social Care and Occupational Therapy Teams.
Children’s Services also have a relatively high number of compliments, and these are spread mainly across SEND (100) and the various teams in Social Care. Some compliments are from schools about the work done by SEND and others are from parents thanking the teams for their support.
Communities also have a relatively high number of compliments with the majority of these being for Waste and Recycling (North and South Teams) as well as some for Transport for Buckinghamshire.
The majority of compliments for Planning, Growth and Sustainability are for Housing and Planning.
Resources compliments are split between Business Operations, the Customer Service Centre and the Blue Badge Team. In addition, a number were received for Revenues and Benefits.