Corporate plan

Appendix 1, Key Performance Indicators

We will use the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor performance against our four Corporate Plan Priorities.

Increasing prosperity

  • £ value of unsecured debt > 90 days (excluding Business Rate, Housing Benefit and Council Tax, and not secured against a property or asset) across the Council.
  • Gross income from property.
  • Gross yield from investment portfolio.
  • Number of businesses registered as primary authorities - provision of advice to large businesses (maintain and increase).
  • Number of homes built against housing requirements.
  • Number of new business registrations (rank against other Local Enterprise Partnerships).
  • Number of valid planning appeals received.
  • Overall revenue (forecast) variance (%) across the council.
  • Percentage of building control applications checked within 21 days.
  • Percentage of business rates collected.
  • Percentage of completion of Highways Capital Schemes against agreed programme.
  • Percentage of council tax collected.
  • Percentage of empty properties across the Council Estate.
  • Percentage of Highway Searches responded to within three days.
  • Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days across the council.
  • Percentage of major planning approvals determined in 13 weeks, or with agreed extension of time.
  • Percentage of minor planning approvals determined in eight weeks, or with agreed extension of time.
  • Percentage of other applications determined in eight weeks, or with agreed extension of time.
  • Percentage of total capital spend across Buckinghamshire Council (forecast) compared to Budget (performance measure).
  • Percentage unemployed in Buckinghamshire compared to the percentage unemployed nationally.
  • Strategic Infrastructure projects: % profiled spend achieved.
  • Town centre footfall.
  • Town centre occupancy rate (%).
  • Percentage of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Liability Notices issued within 12 weeks of planning permission being granted.
  • Number of uncommitted s106 contributions that must be used within two years.

Strengthening our communities

  • Amount of contributory funding secured for every £1 of council funds invested in a Community Board project.
  • Average number of days to issue taxi vehicle licence and plate from valid application received.
  • Engagement with Archives through social media and in-person visits.
  • Hours contributed by Archive volunteers.
  • Number of community engagement (resilience planning) activities.
  • Number of downloads (e-audiobooks, e-magazines and e-news).
  • Number of library information enquiries (signposting and referrals).
  • Number of passengers travelling on subsidised bus services.
  • Number of unrated premises which are awaiting an inspection and are trading.
  • Number of visitors to Country Parks.
  • Number of visitors to leisure centres and pools.
  • Number of visits to main cultural venues.
  • Voluntary staff turnover percentage (rolling 12-month period).
  • Webchat service customer satisfaction.

Protecting the vulnerable

  • Average time for processing housing benefit change claims (days).
  • Average time for processing new housing benefit claims (days).
  • Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Annual Reviews – Percentage of children and young people with an EHCP who have had an annual review within the last 12 months.
  • Percentage of pupils attending schools rated good and outstanding by Ofsted.
  • Percentage of those who have set a quit smoking date who have successfully quit at four weeks.
  • Financial impact on residents as a result of scams intervention (direct and future savings).
  • Homelessness cases closed because homelessness has been prevented.
  • Household Support Fund (Helping Hand): percentage of profiled spend achieved.
  • Number of applicants with/expecting children who have been in non-self-contained B&B accommodation for longer than six weeks.
  • Number of older people (aged 65+) admitted permanently to residential or nursing care.
  • Number of younger people (aged 18-64) admitted permanently to residential or nursing care.
  • On exit from/planned closure of IDVA support, percentage of victims/survivors who say that they have had at least two positive outcomes.
  • Percentage of births that receive a face-to-face New Birth Visit within 14 days by a health visitor in the quarter.
  • Percentage of children in need seen within four weeks.
  • Percentage of children looked after visited within timescales.
  • Percentage of children subject to a Child Protection Plan seen within four weeks.
  • Percentage of children with Initial Child Protection Conferences completed within 15 working days of the strategy discussion.
  • Percentage of children’s social care assessments completed in 45 working days.
  • Percentage of eligible clients who are provided with transport within agreed timeframe.
  • Percentage of initial Family Support Plans completed within 31 working days.
  • Percentage of new Education, Health and Care plans issued within 20 weeks (excluding exceptions).
  • Percentage of re-referrals within 12 months.
  • Percentage of safeguarding enquiries where personal outcomes were fully or partially achieved.
  • Percentage of service users due an annual review that receive their review.
  • Percentage of successful alcohol treatment completions of those in treatment.
  • Percentage of successful drug treatment completions of those in treatment.
  • Percentage of young people whose Adult Social Care assessment was completed before they turned 18.
  • Total homelessness approaches into service.
  • Percentage of younger adults (aged 18-64) with a learning disability living in their own home or with friends/family.
  • Percentage of 19–21-year-olds who have left care that are in education, employment or training.
  • Percentage of eligible two-year-olds registered to receive funded early education entitlements.
  • Number of carer assessments.
  • Percentage of people that live independently after receiving reablement services.
  • Percentage of service users with needs related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) seen or assessed within two working days of first contacting the service.

Improving our environment

  • Annual greenhouse gas emissions: tonnes.
  • Average daily cycling count per active cycle counter per day.
  • Missed bin collections.
  • Number of fly-tipping clearances where an action has been taken.
  • Number of trees planted.
  • Number of publicly accessible electric-vehicle charging units in Buckinghamshire.
  • Percentage of gullies cleaned against the cyclical gully programme.
  • Percentage of waste collected for recycling, reuse, composting or anaerobic digestion from household sources.
  • Residual household waste per household (kg).
  • Percentage of Planning Enforcement Notice Appeals upheld.
  • Highways Safety Inspections completed in line with the required programme.
  • HS2 highways approvals: percentage responded within time limit.
  • HS2 planning approvals: percentage responded to within time limit.
  • NHT Public Satisfaction on the condition of road surfaces (HMBI 01).
  • NHT Public Satisfaction with their local rights of way network (KBI 15).
  • Percentage of Category 1 and 2H defects repaired in two and five working days respectively.
  • Percentage of strategic carriageway network in fair/good and very good condition.
  • Country and Town Park satisfaction ratings (Google).
  • Number of visitors to Country Parks.
  • Percentage of reported rights of way issues dealt with in target time.
  • Percentage streetlights in light.

Value for money

  • Average call wait time.
  • Call customer satisfaction.
  • Council Access Point Plus customer satisfaction.
  • IT Service desk first time fix percentage (internal).
  • Number of sickness absence days per FTE annually (rolling 12-month period) (internal).
  • Percentage of customers rating the registration service as good or excellent. Percentage of invalid Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) (on and off street).
  • Percentage of phone calls answered in the Customer Service Centres.
  • Percentage of phone calls in Customer Service Centres resolved at first call (FCR).
  • Percentage of staff who feel happy, valued and motivated at work.
  • Website Accessibility (%) of Buckinghamshire Council website.