Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy 2021 to 2022

7. Approach to Countering Fraud

7.1 Buckinghamshire Council will fulfil its responsibility to reduce fraud and protect its resources by completing work in each of the following key areas:

7.2 Deterrence: The Council will promote and develop a strong “counter fraud” culture, raise awareness and provide information on all aspects of its “counter fraud” work. This includes dedicated fraud web pages, guidance, publicising the results of proactive work, investigating fraud referrals and seeking the recovery of any losses due to fraud.

7.3 Prevention: The Council will strengthen measures to prevent fraud. Internal Audit will work with managers and policy makers to ensure new and existing systems, procedures and policy initiatives consider any fraud risks. Audit activity will also consider fraud risks as part of each review.

7.4 Detection: Internal Audit maintains a log of all fraud referrals. The log helps to establish those areas within the Council most vulnerable to the risk of fraud. This also enables a Council wide fraud profile to be created which then informs any detailed work in areas throughout the Council aimed at detecting existing and new types of fraudulent activity.

Internal controls are established for financial and other systems within the Council. They are designed to discourage fraud and provide indicators of any fraudulent activity. The Council also relies on employees, Councillors and the public to be alert and to report suspicion of fraud and corruption.

Managers should pay particular attention to circumstances which may require additional and sensitive monitoring or supervision. Examples of Fraud Indicators are detailed in Appendix C.

7.5 Investigation: The Council will investigate all reported incidents of fraud or irregularity. Please see Appendix A for the Protocol for Investigating Irregularities.

7.6 Sanctions: The Council will apply realistic and effective sanctions for individuals or organisations where an investigation reveals fraudulent activity. This will include legal action in addition to criminal and disciplinary action, where appropriate.

7.7 Redress: A crucial element of the Council’s response to tackling fraud is seeking financial redress and the recovery of defrauded monies will be pursued, where appropriate.

7.8 In addition to the above, Internal Audit also prepares an annual Counter Fraud Work Plan that details the key objectives and areas of work for the year and when actions are due to be completed. The work plan is agreed and monitored by the Regulatory and Audit Committee and Section 151 Officer.