Buckinghamshire Council Pay Policy Statement (1 July 2021)
7. Severance Payments
7.1 In the event that an employee ceases to hold office and is eligible for a severance or redundancy payment, such payment is determined in accordance with the Council’s redundancy policy and procedure that applies to all employees or any protection rights accrued from a predecessor Council in Buckinghamshire where these have TUPE transferred to the Council.
In exceptional circumstances, and in the best interest of the Council, a termination payment may be made to an employee. This is a payment made over and above the normal statutory and or contractual severance and or redundancy payments and may include payments such as for a negotiated exit or settlement of litigation etc. Any such payment requires signed approval by the Chief Executive or Corporate Director as appropriate, the Section 151 Officer, and the Monitoring Officer. Where the payment exceeds £100,000, must be referred to the Senior Appointments and Pay Award Committee for consideration.
7.2 If the Council employs a Chief Officer already in receipt of a Local Government Pension Scheme pension, the Council will apply the normal pension abatement rules that apply to all employees.
7.3 As a Local Government employer, the Council must comply with its duties under The Redundancy Payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government, etc.) (Modification) Order 1999.
7.4 If an employee who is under notice of redundancy receives an offer of a job from another local authority or associated employer and accepts and starts working for the new employer within 4 weeks of the end of the individual’s employment with the Council, there is no dismissal for redundancy payment purposes and therefore the employee is not entitled to a redundancy payment.
In cases where the current contract ends on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, the redundancy payment will not apply where employment commences on or before the fifth Monday following the end of the current contract.