Flags at Half Mast

When setting a flag at half-mast, it must be hoisted to the top of the pole with a pause once it reaches the top before then lowering it into half-mast position. It is recommended the flag is lowered to a third the way from the top of the flagpole as half-mast positioning, as this is a more recognisable placement of the flag. Flag poles at some sites are marked appropriately at the point where the top of the flag should touch when positioned as half-mast.

If the Union flag is at half-mast then all other flags should also be positioned this way, and any event flags removed. The exception to the rule of half-mast is that the Royal Standard should never be flown at half-mast due to it being a representation of the continuous nature of the Monarchy.

For training purposes, videos of how to fly a flag at both full and half-mast can be found on the Flag Institute website.

Central government will inform Buckinghamshire council when a national event occurs and based on the event, The Policy team will then confirm what is required in regards to flying a flag at half-mast, including a directive of which flag/s should be flown and for what duration. Flags on all Buckinghamshire council buildings must be lowered to half-mast unless directed otherwise.

The table below states the likely actions to be taken regarding the flags at half-mast if a senior member of the royal family or significant political figures die. A more detailed table which stipulates the appropriate time of which to fly flags at half-mast for the death of significant figures not noted below and the process following majors incidents can be found in the BCC major incidents and events protocol.

Deceased Flag
Sovereign Union Flag Refer to Operation London Bridge and
the directions for flag process’ within that protocol document (available from the Policy Team)
Senior Member of the Royal Family Union Flag Refer to Operation Bridge protocol
for marking the death of a senior member of the Royal Family
Prime Minister or former Prime
Union Flag On the day of the funeral only
unless otherwise informed by national approach
Serving Local Member of Parliament Buckinghamshire County Flag On the day of funeral only
Former MP Buckinghamshire County Flag On the day of the funeral only
Serving Leader of the Council Buckinghamshire County Flag From the day of death until sunset
on the day of the funeral
Serving Chairman of the Council Buckinghamshire County Flag From the day of death until sunset
on the day of the funeral
The High Sheriff/Under Sheriff Buckinghamshire County Flag From the day of death until sunset on the day of the funeral
HM Lord-Lieutenant Buckinghamshire County Flag From the day of death until sunset on the day of the funeral
Honorary Alderman Buckinghamshire County Flag On the day of the funeral only
Serving Councillor Buckinghamshire County Flag On the day of the funeral only

Any additional considerations to lower flags to half-mast must be considered and signed off by a member of CMT.

The process of moving flags to half-mast must not occur until Buckinghamshire Council has been formally notified of a death or incident. Facilities teams will be notified by the Policy team of a co-ordinated approach for all Buckinghamshire Council sites.