Corporate plan
Buckinghamshire in numbers
In 2024
- The population was 553,300 (as of mid 2021).
- The median average house price was £453,000 (as of March 2023).
- The average rent for a 3 bed property was £1,400 per calendar month (data recorded between April 2022 to end Marc 2023).
- There were 171 parish and town councils.
- 32% of the county is designated green belt (England average 12.5%).
- The size of the Buckinghamshire economy national output was £18.485 billion (Buckinghamshire LEP 2019).
- There were 236 schools, pupil referral units, and state funded nurseries.
- Average annual gross pay in Bucks (full time workers) was £38,600 in 2022.
On the horizon
- The population is set to reach 564,300 by 2030.
- There will be 450 State Pension age citizens per 1,000 working age citizens by 2040 (from 320 per 1,000 in 2020).
- There are currently 304 state pension age residents per 1,000 working age residents. By 2040 this will rise to 371 State Pension age residents per 1,000 working age residents.
In the next decade (2023 to 2033)
There is set to be a:
- 5.1% decrease in Children 0-17
- 0.3% increase in Adults 18-64
- 20.8% increase in 65+ year olds
- 44.3% increase in 85+ year olds
Construction of new dwellings in the county could lead to population changes and increases beyond those currently predicted by the ONS.