Workforce equalities profile 2023 to 2024
Data guide
Where the workforce data is a point in time, the data collection date was the 13 February 2024 and focuses on permanent employees, excluding casual and claims based staff and those working within schools.
Recruitment and leavers data is from 14 February 2023 through to 13 February 2024.
It’s also worth noting that that there remains a number of staff who have chosen to not to declare their equality and diversity data.
Workforce profile
These percentages show the proportion of the workforce by protected characteristic. The total workforce as of 13 February 2023 is 4441 employees, a growth of 4.45% from the previous year.
Top 5% earners
These percentages show the proportion of staff from the group(s) who are among the top 5% earners in Buckinghamshire Council.
The figures are based on full time equivalent (FTE) salaries and include 222 employees.
These percentages show the proportion of leavers (excluding casuals and claims based) between 14th February 2023 - 13 February 2024 by protected characteristic. The leavers include both voluntary and involuntary reasons.
The total amount of leavers during this period was 548, a reduction of 14% on the previous year. 85.77% of all leavers left the organisation voluntarily.
Recruitment data is from 14 February 2023 - 13 February 2024 and includes both internal and external candidates to highlight the recruitment process.
There were 11,539 applications (an increase of 24% compared to 2022-2023) made by candidates during the period, with 1962 interviews and 737 successful candidates (decrease of 116 from 2022-2023).
The application and shortlisted / interview stages have been reviewed by protected characteristics.
Additional staff declarations
In the year 2023, we introduced staff self-declarations within our bi-annual all staff survey. This has allowed us to collect additional information on groups previously unidentifiable or potentially under represented based on under-declarations.
The most recent iteration in January 2024 had a 70% completion rate. The declarations included:
- 4% of staff identifying as LGBT+
- 15% of staff identify as being from a diverse ethnicity (black, Asian, mixed, multiple or other ethnicity)
- 16% of staff identified as having a disability (5%), impairment (3%) or long term health condition (8%)
- 3% of staff declared that they are a carer for a child/young person with disability under the age of 25
- 9% of staff declared that they are a carer for an adult aged over 25
(Data Sources include: SAP Payroll System, Talent link (Recruitment System), Organisational Development and Learning Team, All staff survey January 2024).