Senior management

Corporate Director Adults and Health (DASS)

Craig Mcardle

Salary: £160,000 to £164,000

Email: [email protected]

Responsible for:

  • Adult Social Care
  • Public Health, Early Help and Prevention
  • Quality Standards and Performance
  • Integrated Commissioning

Direct reports

Service Director Adult Social Care Operations

  • Early Resolution and Safeguarding
  • Discharge From Hospital
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Short Breaks
  • Home Independence
  • Long Term and Review Teams
  • Mental Health Social Work

Service Director Public Health, Early Help and Prevention

  • Health Protection
  • Health Promotion
  • Health Care Public Health Advice
  • Population Health Surveillance
  • Early Years Health Services for Children
  • Sexual Health Services
  • Substance Misuse Services
  • Community Safety

Service Director Quality Standards and Performance

  • Business Modernisation and Innovation
  • Workforce Development and Planning
  • Service Quality and Improvement

Service Director Integrated Commissioning

  • Commissioning Care and Support Services for Adults
  • Commissioning and Strategic Development of Prevention and Early Intervention Services
  • Commissioning Services for People with Disabilities and All-age Mental Health Services
  • Strategic Development and Quality Monitoring of the Care Market
  • Strategic Development of Accommodation Options for Health and Social Care Clients
  • Enabling People Managing Their Own Care to Shape Their Services
  • Health and Social Care Integration

Programme Director, Health and Care Integration

Programme Manager, Transformation

Head of Business and Governance

You can view more information on the team structure and council spending on our transparency and open data page.