Senior management

Corporate Director Communities

Richard Barker

Salary: £170,000 to £174,999

Email: [email protected]

Responsible for:

  • Neighbourhood Services
  • Highways & Technical Services
  • Transport Services & Licensing
  • Culture, Sport & Leisure

Direct reports

Service Director Neighbourhood Services

  • Waste Collection
  • Waste Disposal and Treatment (including Energy from Waste and Household Recycling Centres)
  • Street Scene
  • Fly-Tipping and Gypsy and Travellers Enforcement
  • Cemeteries and Crematoria
  • Grounds Maintenance

Service Director Highways and Technical Services

  • Highways Services (Buckinghamshire Highways)
  • On and Off Street Parking
  • Rights of Way Operations
  • Definitive Map and Highways Searches

Service Director Transport Services & Licencing

  • Licencing
  • Home to School Transport
  • Social Care Transport
  • Public Transport
  • Fleet Management

Service Director Culture, Sport and Leisure

  • Libraries
  • Culture, including museums, theatres and Buckinghamshire Film Office
  • Buckinghamshire Archives
  • Country Parks, Parks and Play Areas
  • Leisure, including sports and leisure centres
  • Sports Development
  • South Buckinghamshire Golf Course and Farnham Park Playing Fields

You can view more information on the team structure and council spending on our transparency and open data page.