Privacy and the Domestic Resource Efficiency Service
This Privacy Notice explains how the Domestic Resource Efficiency Service (Energy Doctors) at Buckinghamshire Council (the data controller) will use the personal information we collect about you when you use this service.
Information held about you:
If you make an application for an Energy Doctor visit and/or Domestic Building Envelope Energy Efficiency (DBEEE) Grant, we may hold the following information on you:
- basic details about you e.g. name and home address including postcode
- your contact information, including phone number and email address
- number of residents who live in your home and if any are dependent children, which will give an indication of their age
- contact we have had with you (such as email correspondence, phone calls and home visits)
- information about your property, for example the:
- EPC rating (e.g. D-G)
- Tenure (e.g. owner occupied, private rented)
- Heating fuel (e.g. gas, electricity, oil, coal, LPG)
- details of applications for the DBEEE Grant (name, address, email address, telephone numbers, eligibility criteria: (low-income household (Y/N), benefit receipt status (Y/N), disability related benefits (Y/N), Land Registry record of title/ title deeds, utility bill dated within three months prior to the date of submission to the Council))
Why we need your information
We need your information to:
- respond to customer enquiries
- keep accurate records of contact with you
- confirm eligibility for an Energy Doctor visit and/or the DBEEE Grant
- book an Energy Doctor visit
- refer you to other advice services or grant support if necessary
- conduct feedback and quality assurance
What is the lawful basis for us to process your information?
The lawful bases for processing the personal information under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR is:
- Article 6(1)(a) consent
- Article 6(1)(e) we need it to perform a public task
We may also process special categories of personal data. For example, information about health to assess eligibility for an Energy Doctor visit. Where we do so our lawful bases are:
- Article 9 (2) (a) explicit consent
- Article 9 (2) (g) reasons of substantial public interest
Where applicable, you can remove your consent at any time (this would prevent your use of the Energy Doctor service). You can do this by emailing [email protected].
How we share and process your information
We will share your information, if appropriate, with:
- third parties (data processors) contracted by Buckinghamshire Council to work on behalf of the Council to support the Domestic Resource Efficiency Service - such third parties include:
- Better Housing Better Health, who assess eligibility for an Energy Doctor visit and/or the DBEEE Grant
- Department of Levelling up Housing and Communities, anonymised data only to be used to report on meeting the requirements of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
- Social Housing Providers
- other bodies in connection with the prevention of crime, criminal or legal investigations or proceedings including fraud (and the National Fraud Initiative)
- other relevant services within the council
We will securely hold your information and only keep it for three years. Where information is no longer needed it will be confidentially disposed of.
Automated decision making
We do not carry out any automated decision making in relation to this information.
Your rights
You have legal rights over your information. For details of those rights, see our corporate Privacy Policy. Your rights will differ depending on our lawful basis for processing your personal information.
Contact our Data Protection Officer:
Buckinghamshire Council
The Gateway
Gatehouse Road
HP19 8FF
If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to the Data Protection Officer. You can also then complain to the ICO if you remain unhappy with how we have used your personal information.