Help and support if you’ve recently arrived from Ukraine

Last updated: 12 April 2022

8. Phases of education in the UK

Across the UK there are five stages of education: early years, primary, secondary, Further Education and Higher Education.

How to support your child’s learning

Tell the school if you would prefer written communication rather than spoken communication. You can tell the school if you have a family member who is better in English and can help you with communication.

Schools in the UK encourage parents to be involved in school life and they can support you in this. The Bell Foundation has guidance on how you can help your child to learn and get involved with school life.

Ask the school for information about your child’s learning. You should ask about:

  • The school timetable (the school day in the UK typically starts 8.30-9.00am and finishes between 3.00-3.30pm)
  • Your child’s homework
  • Exams and tests (these are called assessments)
  • Attendance
  • The curriculum and key stages

Join a parent group with other parents who speak the same language as you. If the school does not have a group, ask them to start one.

Attend parents’ evenings. If you are worried about your English, you could request a one-to-one meeting with a teacher to talk about your child’s progress. You could also ask the school if an interpreter can be there to help you.

Free school meal entitlement

The Government has indicated that parents will be entitled to benefits and therefore we expect that most (if not all) of the families arriving will be entitled to free school meals, at least on arrival, and that it is appropriate to work on that basis initially.

School uniforms

Ask at the school and they will try to help you to ensure your child has everything they need. They may require additional items such as PE (Physical Education) Kit and Swimming Kit.

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